Session Title: (607) The Secret Language of Older Adults: Marketing to the 55+ Population
Session Type: Education Session Talk
Topic(s): Health and Wellness, Public Relations and Marketing
Older Adults
Day/Time: Wednesday - Block 5
10/11/2023 04:00 PM (Central Time (US & Canada)) - 10/11/2023 05:00 PM (Central Time (US & Canada))
Room: Room C145
Available Both In-Person and On-Demand
Audience Experience Level: Any level
Audience Familiarity with DEI: Any Level
CEU: 0.1
The 55+ population continues to be one of the most overlooked, undervalued markets, and attracting them to your park and recreation fitness facilities is no exception. Social media presence, interactive blogs and digital communities are great to reach the Gen-Xers and millennials, but baby boomers — the 55+ demographic who often have more time and money and frequently have primary or underlying health issues — need to be engaged in ways that they are organic to their tastes, relevant to their preferences and cognizant of their age-specific fitness and wellness needs and goals. We will explore some of the pitfalls of relying on contemporary “digital” marketing to attract the 55+ members and discuss some of the options that better connect with, and are more easily understood by, this all-important target demographic.
Learning Objectives:
1. Immediately adjust your marketing to better reach this audience.
2. Explore differences in fitness and wellness goals among 55+ patrons, and teach how to address them with verbiage and imagery that makes sense to the 55+ participant.
3. Proactively address the fitness and wellness opportunities of 55+ members that will help you drive both membership and revenue.
Cosmo Wollan
The Secret Language of Older Adults: Marketing to the 55+ Population
Education Session
Details on this session are provided to the left. Please click the link below to return to the full list of sessions.
View the Education schedule here
One-hour education sessions (0.1 CEU) will be delivered as either Talks, Sandboxes, or Clinics.
Clinics and Sandboxes will be smaller sessions and on a first-come, first-serve basis, so make sure to arrive early!
- Talks will be delivered as lectures or panel sessions.
- Clinics will focus on applying concepts to real-life examples through workshop activities.
- Sandboxes are a great networking opportunity that invite participants to talk shop, compare notes and swap advice around hot topics in the field.
Twenty of the one-hour education sessions will be available on-demand through the conference app while also delivered in person.
Details on this session are provided to the left. Please click the link below to return to the full list of sessions.