Session Title: (303) That’s My Stapler: Finding Your Office Space Voice
Session Type: Education Session Talk
Topic(s): Career Development, Leadership and Personnel Management
Day/Time: Wednesday - Block 4
10/11/2023 02:30 PM (Central Time (US & Canada)) - 10/11/2023 03:30 PM (Central Time (US & Canada))
Room: Room C146
Audience Experience Level: Beginner
Audience Familiarity with DEI: Beginner
CEU: 0.1
Navigating the office space for the first time as a young leader can be difficult, especially if leaders haven’t defined their leadership voice. The cult classic movie “Office Space” introduces us to Milton, a quiet employee whose quiet leadership voice keeps him in unfavorable situations, including losing his prized stapler. During this session, we will uncover blind spots, navigate resources for understanding ourselves, self-identify leadership values, and begin writing personal leadership philosophies to create and establish unique leadership voices. Along the way, participants will hear about the leadership journey ups and downs of two young professionals who navigated finding their voices together. Learn from Milton’s shortcomings and take away the tools to establish your leadership voice to take back your stapler!
Learning Objectives:
1. After attending this session, attendees should be able to recognize their blind spots and identify resources for learning about themselves.
2. After this session, attendees should be able to identify their core leadership values and assess why they chose those specific values.
3. After attending this session, attendees should be able to clearly explain their personal leadership philosophy and its significance to their unique leadership voice.
Calie Willis
Will Doss
That's My Stapler: Finding Your Office Space Voice
Education Session
Details on this session are provided to the left. Please click the link below to return to the full list of sessions.
View the Education schedule here
One-hour education sessions (0.1 CEU) will be delivered as either Talks, Sandboxes, or Clinics.
Clinics and Sandboxes will be smaller sessions and on a first-come, first-serve basis, so make sure to arrive early!
- Talks will be delivered as lectures or panel sessions.
- Clinics will focus on applying concepts to real-life examples through workshop activities.
- Sandboxes are a great networking opportunity that invite participants to talk shop, compare notes and swap advice around hot topics in the field.
Twenty of the one-hour education sessions will be available on-demand through the conference app while also delivered in person.
Details on this session are provided to the left. Please click the link below to return to the full list of sessions.